We are winding down now. The huge number of celebrations are now over and the guests are departing. We are packing and preparing to head for home tomorrow. Mixed feelings – can’t wait to see family and friends, but on the other hand, it’s hard to believe it will all be over. It will be wonderful though, to understand conversations going on around us again, it is quite isolating to not understand anyone.
The world is a beautiful, awesome place. Would it be embarrassing to say that sometimes the beauty, both man-made and natural, has bought us to the point of tears. We have really seen the most amazing, truly awesome, things. Photo’s are one thing, real life has another dimension, impossible to capture.
We have made so many observations about life in Europe during our three month trip – some are quite unexpected: the most popular drink we have observed is not what you may expect, not wine, not coffee or coke, but bottled water! Everyone carries a bottle, in every country we have been to. The most popular food is also perhaps not what you would think – it’s simply got to be pizza! There are pizza places in every village from Turkey through Greece, Spain etc. to here in France. Pizza has taken over the world!
In Spain, the women have the most fantastic skin – I’m sure it’s because they eat no butter there, but put olive oil onto everything, even at breakfast. There are olive trees the length and breadth, so I suppose it’s not surprising. In Europe, the health warnings regarding smoking seem to have been “lost in translation” as there are smokers everywhere! The litter/dirt in cities is mostly attributed to ciggie butts… and you can smoke just about anywhere. Tattoo’s are the latest fashion statement, lots of them especially on young girls – whole arms and legs covered. We see weddings every weekend and the beautiful bridal effect is (in our opinion) quite spoiled by the back, shoulder or arm covered by tattoo’s.
People are shorter here – Roger sticks out head and shoulders, both because he is taller and bearded, they don’t go for facial hair much in Europe and lots of children stare at Roger. The women don’t seem to have a “body image” problem, especially on the beach there are women wearing quite skimpy cossies when they are quite large and shall we say not in the first flush of youth (not in the second or third either!) It’s refreshing to see because why shouldn’t you be able to wear what you like and not care what anyone else thinks?
The world is also full of STUFF! Everywhere, the shopping is overwhelming. We made the decision before we left that we wouldn’t buy gifts for anyone, we have had to carry our bags from planes, buses, ferries, trains and it simply wasn’t an option to put more “stuff” into our already heavy bags not to mention weight restrictions on planes. We also have quite a lot of people we need to buy for, and I would have to say that not having to find something for everyone has been so freeing. We have preferred to spend our time seeing other things, rather than shops, even though in France at the moment, they are all having “soldes”, and “stuff” is cheaper than it was.
The impressions made on this trip, by the wonderful people we have met, the wonderful things we have seen and the wonderful time we have enjoyed together, will stay with us forever. If we never travel again, we will be content with the memories of this wonderful adventure.