Monday 25 June 2012


After  six or so weeks on the road it's great to have a break at Alan and Cheryl's home, here in Lascazeres, South West France. We've unpacked our cases, had a HUGE wash and been able to lie back and rest, not just physically but also from any time-table we might have had from planes, trains etc. It's nice also, to have some wonderful "simple"(?) meals, after eating out pretty constantly since we left home. Al and Cheryl are the perfect hosts, they conjure up local delicacies in both food and wine - it's just wonderful, and we are just so relaxed (if a trifle fat!).

The party's over in the village, we can hear Claude's rooster happily crowing next door, and the hustle and bustle of farming life in the fields around us is punctuated by the hourly church bells nearby.

Beautiful one day ...

Perfect Pyrenees the next. 

 The house, built in the 1600's still going strong.

 From the garden

One happy chappy!

A couple of quiet days ahead of us, some casual socialising, trips to town for supplies and some help in the garden. A check up on my emergency Greek dental work, pick up our car on Thursday and off to Bordeaux on Friday.


  1. A little break is just what you need! That house is so beautiful, I want to stay too :)

  2. It looks idyllic! Picture perfect!
