Friday 1 June 2012


Sadly our cruise is almost over. We have visited some amazing islands and had perfect sunny weather throughout. One late afternoon thunderstorm didn't worry our schedule. We had another pleasant sail today, through islands closer to Dubrovik and are now in Sipan, a very small port with little to recommend it other than its fading glory and what seems to be an attempt to get it "restorated".
(A term we continue to laugh at as our wonderful guide in Turkey managed to master (?) english).

Last nights dinner was fun, our english mates - Barbara and Richard asked us to join them and we laughed through a very memorable meal. Great food, including a black (squid ink) risotto, prawns and a young goat cheese salad.

Sunset as we ate

Sipan harbour today

The names here in Croatia all have some form of "squiggle" over them, impossible to replicate on our computer... but it looks so much more romantic!

Tomorrow we head back to Dubrovnik, a day there and off early Sat to Rome and more adventure.


  1. It's great you made some friends on the cruise and I am so glad I got to see a place I don't know much about. Looking forward to your take on Rome!

  2. I seems I am the visitor from Peel NSW who has been visiting your blog on your live raffic feed. Don't know how they worked that one out!!?? Enjoying it all very much...
