Wednesday 19 December 2018

Food for thought

Had a great nights sleep, over 10 hours of catchup!

Unpacked and out with the winter warmers! 3 degrees here today - which they say is a warm day!

Then out and about to explore the locale. Some shopping to get a suitable jacket and boots for Anne and our first burger. Home for a walk amongst the slushy snow and home for some warming coffee and tea.

On cue the school bus delivered the kids home. Will never forget the yellow school buses in Yankee movies, now we're here for real. Henry leading the troops.


  1. Wow, that's fantastic that you nailed the sleep thing on the first night. Here's hoping that this really is a jet lag free affair.
    I too love the iconic yellow bus. I also like the US fire hydrant. Phil once mentioned that they put the little stick on it so you can find it in the snow. Is that also curb markers next to the hydrant so you know where the gutters are in big snow?

  2. I love the jackets and hats! It got to 36 here yesterday :) I had my stamping ladies over for a Christmas party, and Sunny loved answering the door, getting lots of pats, and sitting on people's seats when they stood up! How were the shops? The sops here are a nightmare.....

  3. Not nearly as busy! Many more and spread out over a much larger area. Quite different! Glad Sunny's happy and welcoming! Seems we're missing a heatwave there! Slight snowfall this morning, nothing much!
